Best Time to Visit This Site:


Most Sought Species at This Site:

Least Bittern, Tricolored Heron, Mississippi Kite, Clapper Rail, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Sedge Wren

Fontainebleau Nature Trail is an extension of the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge. It is a beautifully maintained trail with a short (0.75 mile) and long (~1.5 mile) loop that takes one through a mix of habitats, including southern mixed hardwood forest, a regenerating longleaf pine forest, wet pine savannah, bayhead swamp, and tidal marsh and bayou. Along the way are several observation platforms overlooking Davis Bayou and its associated marsh. Use them to watch for various waterbirds. In the forested portions, you can expect a wide variety of common woodland birds, including Brown-headed Nuthatch that nest here. Mississippi Sandhill Cranes frequently fly overhead or can be heard calling from nearby foraging grounds.

GPS:  30.39790 -88.75706


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Updated: 9/17/2013